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California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

2011 Fall Conference at Montery, Dec 9-10

The 39th Annual Fall Conference was held in Monterey, Dec 9-10, 2011, at Portola Hotel and Spa.

Friday Keynote Speaker: Wade Ellis, West Valley College
Mathematics I Have Learned as a Community College Instructor

Community College instructors in California all have extensive mathematics backgrounds, but there is much mathematics that we can learn. We can learn from our students, from our colleagues, from articles and books, over coffee, in the car, running on a track, at lunch, and in the shower. Wade will relate some of the interesting mathematics he has learned: why he learned it, who he learned it from, and/or where he learned it.

Saturday Keynote Speaker: Jo Boaler,Stanford University
Beautiful Math – How Successful Teaching Approaches Change Students’ Lives

In this presentation I will take the opportunity to look across the different research studies I have conducted in the US and the UK, which have studied different teaching approaches and their impact on student learning. We will consider together the qualities and characteristics of successful mathematics teaching and the research evidence for the ways that students are impacted by different approaches. Together we will watch students engage in problem solving, considering the ways that students’ lives are changed when they are introduced to the beauty and diversity of mathematics.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Cengage Event: New Features and Best Practices of Enhanced WebAssign, 3-5 pm Portola
iLearn Event: Prescriptive Technology Based Learning Support that Yields Faster Developmental Math Completion Rates, 3-5 pm, Cottonwood I Casio Event: Using the ClassPad to Explore Mathematics, 3-5 pm Redwood I

Schedule of the Saturday Concurrent Sessions

Presentations provided can be found below.

Room/Session Session 1
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Session 2
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Session 3
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Session 4
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Bonsai II
General Interest
Preparing Students to Succeed in Calculus: An Intervention and Study
Marilyn Carlson
Arizona State University
Answers to the Questions We All Dread
Dave Sobecki
Miami University, Hamilton
Measuring Success One Student at a Time: Course Redesign with a Power Cord and a Pencil
Andreana M. Grimaldo
Quinsigamond Community College
Large Numbers and Ackerman’s Function
Roderic Taylor
De Anza College
Bonsai III
State and National Projects – Do You or Your Students Care?
Ian Walton
Mission College
The Incomparable Bernoullis and a Marvelous Spiral
John Martin
Santa Rosa Junior College
The Eureka Experience - Instructional Techniques That Encourage It!
Alan Tussy
Citrus College
What Are We Doing?
Michael Eurgubian
Santa Rosa Junior College
Basic Skills
Math Performance Success
Diane Mathios
De Anza College
Dynamic Algebra
Chris MacKenzie
Perris Union High School Distric
Contextualized Learning in Mathematics
Barbara Illowsky
De Anza College
No Session
Redwood I
Precalculus and Above
The Future of College Textbooks
Bruce Cooperstein
UC Santa Cruz
Bubbles for Precalculus and Beyond
Lalu Simcik
Cabrillo College
Bringing Calculus Alive with Interactive "ActionConsequence" Technology Documents
Thomas Dick
Oregon State University
Did We Go Over This?
Glenn Pico
American River College
Redwood II
Using Assessment to Better Implement Online Systems in Developmental and Collegiate Mathematics Courses
Scott Gentile
Hunter College
Integrating a Computer Algebra System (CAS) into Developmental Mathematics Courses
Wade Ellis
West Valley College
Reasoning with Data
Gail Burrill
Michigan State University
Clickers: Use Them Wisely!
Jenny Friedenreich
Diablo Valley College
Principles of Data Analysis
Peter Avery
Miracosta College
Technology in Elementary Statistics: How Much is Too Much?
Barry Monk
Macon State College, Georgia
You Go First. No, You Go First!
Charles Barnett
Las Positas College
Developing Data Skills
Robert Gould
UC Las Angeles

Future CMC3 Conferences

Information about future conferences is available. For conference information, contact the Conference Chair. For registration information contact the Membership Chair